The Benefits of Fever
Most of us have been taught to reduce a fever as soon as we notice it’s happening but they are actually an important part of our immune response.
- Lots of fear around fever
- Febrile seizures: no brain damage or increase in risk of epilepsy
- Not harmful
- Scary
- Fevers are your immune system’s way of ramping up to fight infection
- Increase in white blood cell count
- Makes pathogens weaker
- Important immune defense
- What to do with a fever
- Touch base with your provider to make sure this is the right approach for you
- Fast on only liquids above 99.5 degrees because you digestion shuts down at this temperature to use more energy to make white blood cells and fight infection
- Take a hot/warm bath
- Rest
- Hydrate
- Consult your provider if you need pain relief and to put a plan together for further supporting your immune system and fighting infection
- Once your fever is broken
- Carrot and celery broth for electrolytes
- ½ cup carrots and celery boiled in 2 cups of water for about 20 min
- Strain and drink the broth. If your body handles that well, eat the vegetables
- Next move on to protein. Steak or chicken with very minimal seasoning. Chicken soup would be a great option
- It’s normal to lose a few pounds with fever. Your body is breaking down muscle to make more immune cells, which is why you’re often achy with a fever
- Carrot and celery broth for electrolytes
- Symptoms that would warrant further medical attention
- Dizziness and inability to walk (due to weakness). This is an indication that your blood sugar is too low and your fast should be broken.
- If you heart feels like it’s racing or irregular. This is an indication your electrolytes are out of balance and your fast should be broken.
- If you experience constipation or headache.